Privacy Policy

Who are we?

Data Cymru is a Welsh local government company, and we offer lots of different services that help people find and use data effectively.

Where is my data stored? Who can see it?

The data you upload to the tools is stored in a server. (A server, in this case, is a large computer that stores lots of information).

Data Cymru does have access to what you upload but we do not plan to check this data, at any time. It will only be used to make this website work!

How long do you keep my data?

What you upload is kept on a server for 60 days, after which it is automatically deleted.

What is personal data?

Personal data is information about you. For example, your name, date of birth, email address or your telephone number.

It’s usually safer if you don’t give out any personal data unless you really need to – and for these exercises there is no reason for you to upload personal data.

Can I find out more?

Of course, you can email to ask any questions.

For more detailed information, please visit Data Cymru's Privacy Policy page.